And when we finally began strolling over from five different places, not really knowing how many we were all going to be, we were pleasantly surprised. There were many more of us this time. My sense is that our friends and families didn't want to be too far away should "anything" happen. There were new faces, too, folks from the egroups and the blogosphere, and everyone was welcome.
It was an exhilarating sight - everyone high five-ing friends, weaving their way through the ever present media, hugging and greeting. Then Enteng called for pictures, and we all obliged. We out-photoed the tour groups that jostled among us. Even park security offered to take pictures, everyone had brought cameras.
Speaking of security - there wasn't a blue-shirted cop around! Not at the Rizal Monument (the only guys in uniform were the color guard and park security), not at any of the meeting points. Nada. Guess they already knew we meant no harm.

Pictures do speak more than a thousand words! Let's keep those pictures coming, and from different places, perhaps. If cyberspace is the virtual meeting place where individuals are able to connect through chat and email, why not make it also a virtual meeting place for groups?
Get those tees printed, get together any Friday, and have your pictures taken with the day's paper visible and send it to BnW together with a short caption with at least the place or vicinity. Let the Friday picture album speak for itself.
For those trying hard to justify themselves as part of Luli's brigade, please leave this blog alone! The header says it all and we do not need kibitzers here that tell us what to do with our time and resources. We do not need your kind of help!
You want a discussion site for your favorite concerns, point of view and/or personalities? Go open your own blog, it is free. Or better still, go and join the Yellow Egg Brigade at, you might be able to help put out some fires during this "Fire Prevention Month."
And yes, do please continue with your own hanap-buhay concerns. Blog writing will never help you with your needs, unless of course you are handsomely rewarded for it.
No cops around? They must have learned their lesson from the Baywalk arrest. That one gave front page news. Today, nada. NOthing in the news about your Black Friday. I guess they don't want to give you front page propaganda this time.
Which makes me think? What would you prefer? High profile arrests wtih huge media coverage or no arrest with no free space in the news?
Your group cannot be considered a threat. It's just one of those fads that you create which will eventual fade away with time. Yes, your shirts are in demand. Some printers may even be copying them now. But can it be sustained? Who would seriously take a group in black shirts having their photos taken with all their smiles and hand gestures? Only the police. That's how paranoid GMA is.
Next week, I'll try to show up in your venue whereever it maybe, not to show support but to watch a circus.
Please don't get me wrong. I respect your views and whatever you do. Those are your rights. I too believe that GMA cheated. And you say there is no gray area here. Just black or white. That she has no moral authority to lead. Fine. So who will lead? Noli? Drilon? JDV?
What you are saying is let's get rid of her now and worry about who will lead later. Isn't that more dangerous, not knowing what's ahead of us? Each and every group, interests, party, individual who are raring to be at Malacanang all want GMA out. They form alliances, even unholy it maybe, just to oust GMA. We did that after Marcos fled. Bobbit Sanchez in the same cabinet as Enrile. The farmers were killed at Mendiola and the military staged several coups. At the height of impeachment, who can forget the crying Legarda, the resigning Pimentel and the wide eyed Guingona? When GMA took oath, Pimentel held the microphone even how unbecoming it may be just to be vice president. At the end of the day, those allied before are now cutting each other's throat.
And now this? When will we ever learn. Are we just going to go in circles without truly advancing as a nation? I don't want to be a Roco, a Cardinal Sin, a Mitra, a Teddy Benigno even a Benigno Aquino. People who loved their country so much but never had the opportunity to see a country that we all can be truly proud of.
Yes, you do what you do. But I doubt if it will bring us to the Philippines that we all dream of. In my opinion, with what you do you are even taking us further away from it. Please re think your strategy.
To Bnw:
It's Friday I'm in love! Keep it up!
To: Simonne Aguilar/Isang middle class na pinoy (daw):
First, you are not telling the truth.
Second, you are one of those advocating the "let's move on-GMA is the lesser evil" mentality. I respect your opinion but it does not mean I agree with you. Alam na namin ang style na yan. If you want to convince us, do your homework and present something original. Nabasa mo yata yung letter ni Bong Austero e.
Third, you are giving too much credit to the middle class. They comprise only a small percentage of the population. The real heroes are the Filipino people in general -- those who sacrificed their lives or risked being mauled, arrested by policemen in cahoots with an illegitimate president.
Fourth, kung ika'y talagang middle class na pinoy, ba't parang walang "class" ka magsalita? I'm sorry ha pero panay paninira lang kasi ang nabasa ko sa open letter mo. Tapos inaakusahan mo pa yung mga nagrarally na bayaran lang. Ang sakit mo namang magsalita. You must substantiate your allegations with proof. At least kami, may proof na nandaya si Gloria at hinayaan nya ang kanyang mga alipores na magpakasasa sa kaban ng bayan (Tama ba yung tagalog ko, cebuano kasi ako e, hehe). O, ayan ha, i tried to be as "middle class" in my argument as possible (my apologies to the real middle class).
Fifth, Nakiliti nga ako sa lahat ng sinabi mo pero hindi ang konsensya ko. Dapat pa ring bumaba si Gloria dahil nandaya sya at ngayon, balak pa niyang supilin ang mga karapatang pantao namin. Nakakasuka na talaga.
O ayan, nasagot ko ba ang mga paratang mo? Pero hindi tayo magka-away ha dahil nirerespeto ko pa rin yung saloobin mo kahit alam na alam ko na alam na alam mo na hopeless case na talaga ang sitwasyon ni Gloria.
Siguro nga, magkaiba lang talaga ang values natin kaya ganyan ka magsalita. Pero naiintindihan kita.
Daghang salamat, Bystander! Nahadluk silang tanan sa atong gibuhat.
Thanks, Tet, we've asked folks to post their pictures by email for posting. I believe this is called a 'virtual rally". Will look for the site and get back to you.
"Pinoy" - Am so glad that you're glad the cops didn't harass us illegally yesterday. And am so happy that you think GMA is paranoid, so paranoid of us, in fact. You see, she knows a good enemy when she sees one, so she sends her equally psychotic lapdogs after us. We are glad that she isn't as dismissive of us as you are.
You will be most welcome at our next protest. Please make sure to bring your friends. Please take the time to introduce yourselves. And please, don't forget to wear your Gloria Labandera tees.
Just a little correction to part of my previous statement which went like this:
"Fourth, kung ika'y talagang middle class na pinoy, ba't parang walang "class" ka magsalita? I'm sorry ha pero panay paninira lang kasi ang nabasa ko sa open letter mo......etc."
The statement should have been like this:
"Fourth, kung ika'y talagang middle class na pinoy, ba't parang walang "class" ka magsalita? (Pero hindi ibig sabihin na walang class ang hindi middle class. Nasabi ko lang iyon dahil gusto kong sabayan ang tono ng pananalita mo.) I'm sorry ha pero panay paninira lang kasi ang nabasa ko sa open letter mo..."
Sorry for the errors. Lest I be accused of being discriminatory.
to the bystander:
first, if simmone aguilar is not telling the truth, who is?
Second, i don't think this is a GMA is a lesser evil/Bong Austero adherent group vs. Black and White Friday Movement group. There is a total misunderstanding here. Those who complain about this traffic causing rallies, I don't think they meant your group. This is directed to the BAYAN MUNA, GABRIELA, ANAKPAWIS, SANLAKAS, AKBAYAN organized rallies. I am sure your group would not want to be identified with these groups but due to convenient circumstances, you are seen together in rallies.
Third, your third part sounded like you are with the left group. The middle class will lead, the masses will follow. Would you agree?
Fourth, the moment you start getting personal, like "walang class ka magsalita" things may get natsy and can get out of hand. Let's just avoid it. Remember, all who post here have one common goal, a better Philippines. We just can't agree on how to get there but we will find a way.
Fifth, thanks for admitting that you are not adversaries.
with regards to simonne aguilar's post, just one word: FRUSTRATION. That is not so hard to understand.
helga: please speak in a language that everybody can understand. it won't help our situation if you write in a dialect not everybody can understands. that's one problem of our society. we tend to identify more with our regionmates, provincemates or townsmate. We have to change as a people if we want a better Philippines. If we keep on doing what we always do even if disrespectful of others, we really won't go anywhere. if we really want change, it has to start with ourselves.
please do re read my post. i did not say I was glad no arrest was made. I am just asking which would your group prefer, w/ arrest but with lotsa media coverage and making it to the frontpages and therefore free publicity or no arrest but no free propaganda.
Sorry, but i don't have any intention to be part of a circus. I just want to watch one.
To Pinoy:
"first, if simmone aguilar is not telling the truth, who is?"
--I directed that statement to Simmone because he started his letter precisely with the assumption that he is telling the truth. And based on my perception of the political crisis hounding Gloria Arroyo, I will stick to my original claim that he is not telling the whole truth.
As I said, I respect his opinion but I do not necessarily agree with him.
Your question borders on the philosophical. It assumes that not a single person, group, organization is sincere enough to tell the truth or fight for the truth. If that would be the case, then there would be no reason for me to complain about the LYING, CHEATING and STEALING this government is known for.
"Second, i don't think this is a GMA is a lesser evil/Bong Austero adherent group vs. Black and White Friday Movement group. There is a total misunderstanding here."
--I know and I agree with you. There's no question to that. I was merely emphasizing that his letter bears a striking resemblance to that of Bong Austero's -- at least as regards the message it wants to convey.
"Those who complain about this traffic causing rallies, I don't think they meant your group. This is directed to the BAYAN MUNA, GABRIELA, ANAKPAWIS, SANLAKAS, AKBAYAN organized rallies. I am sure your group would not want to be identified with these groups but due to convenient circumstances, you are seen together in rallies."
--I don't belong to any group though I sound like one.
--There is nothing fundamentally wrong with those groups you mentioned. There is something fundamentally wrong with Gloria Arroyo. So I don't think BnW abhors brushing elbows with "leftist" groups. The term "leftist" is just a political term used to abscribe a person or group with a different perspective at solving the nation's problems. I see nothing wrong with that. Filipinos in general are still influenced by the "Red Scare" syndrome propagated during the Cold war era of the 60s-80s.
--The right to protest and the right to assembly are preferred rights in the heirarchy of civil liberties. Being inconvenienced by a rally is a necessary one, if only to show to GMA how disgusted we are against her excesses.
"Third, your third part sounded like you are with the left group. The middle class will lead, the masses will follow. Would you agree?"
--If the kind of democracy that President Arroyo wants us to accept is a democracy where it is illlegal to protest while people who ransack public funds and desecrate the sanctity of the ballot get away with their crimes, I and probably the rest of the 65 percent of Filipinos who want her to resign would rather be called leftists and destabilizers than cater to a democracy OFF the people, BUY the people and FOOL the people.
--I don't distinguish between the middle class and the masses. The Filipino people should lead.
"Fourth, the moment you start getting personal, like "walang class ka magsalita" things may get natsy and can get out of hand. Let's just avoid it."
--I've already made that correction in my last comment (please see). It is not being personal actually. I was just giving him a dose of his own medicine because he was accusing those who join the rallies as simply bayaran. And that to me is highly objectionable. Foul to say the least.
"Fifth, thanks for admitting that you are not adversaries."
--Ya, that's what we should be. We belong to the same country.
To the bystander:
You say, “your question borders on the philosophical. It assumes that not a single person, group, organization is sincere enough to tell the truth or fight for the truth. If that would be the case, then there would be no reason for me to complain about the LYING, CHEATING and STEALING this government is known for.”
Discussion about the truth is outside the realm of this blog. Unfortunately, you went on to make assumptions and making conclusions based on those assumptions. With that approach, this discussion will lead nowhere.
In the first place, simmone’s statement “and one who is telling the truth” speaks a lot of where he is coming from. It would have been enough if you just let this statement slide.
"--There is nothing fundamentally wrong with those groups you mentioned. There is something fundamentally wrong with Gloria Arroyo. So I don't think BnW abhors brushing elbows with "leftist" groups. The term "leftist" is just a political term used to abscribe a person or group with a different perspective at solving the nation's problems. I see nothing wrong with that. Filipinos in general are still influenced by the "Red Scare" syndrome propagated during the Cold war era of the 60s-80s."
There is something fundamentally wrong with those groups. They will never stop rallying until they grab power. Fortunately for us, they are hopelessly at odds with each other. They don’ scare me. It is their hypocrisy that bothers me. Before they were in congress, they were rallying against the pork barrel. Now that they benefit from the pork barrel, do you see single placard that says “abolish the pork barrel”? Nada. Such hypocrites!!!! Civil society is using the left and the left is using civil society. That bothers me big time!
“--The right to protest and the right to assembly are preferred rights in the heirarchy of civil liberties. Being inconvenienced by a rally is a necessary one, if only to show to GMA how disgusted we are against her excesses.”
Rallies are good. It doesn’t bother me. I take the LRT?MRT. It keeps malacanang on its toes. They will think twice, three times or many many times before doing something illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, etc.
“--I don't distinguish between the middle class and the masses. The Filipino people should lead.”
When you embark on a political campaign, you need to strategize and you will need to differentiate the middle class from the masses. They behave differently on the same political, economic and social conditions.
To Pinoy:
1. "Discussion about the truth is outside the realm of this blog."
--We should discuss about the truth -- anywhere, everywhere, in our homes, offices, with our peers, relatives, friends and even in this blog. If you haven't noticed, this is basically the crisis we are faced right now. We have a cheating and lying President. So I don't see any reason why we shouldn't discuss it here in BnW's blog.
2. "Unfortunately, you went on to make assumptions and making conclusions based on those assumptions. With that approach, this discussion will lead nowhere."
--I was merely answering this earlier question of yours: "first, if simmone aguilar is not telling the truth, who is?" And I cannot help it if I understood your question to be more of a philosophical exercise than a realistic one. How else should I treat your question?
--I agree though that our discussion will probably lead to more discussions because we already have our respective principled stands as regards the issues. I guess we may have to leave it that way and let history be the judge.
"In the first place, simmone’s statement “and one who is telling the truth” speaks a lot of where he is coming from. It would have been enough if you just let this statement slide."
--I cannot let his statement slide because he was making an assumption that he was speaking for the truth. If I let that statement pass, then it would mean that his succeeding statements would have to be accepted as truth. From where I stand, he was not speaking for the sentiments of the middle class. He sounded like an apologist for Gloria. In the same vein, I cannot also claim to be speaking for the middle class. I am speaking for myself as an ordinary citizen.
"There is something fundamentally wrong with those groups. They will never stop rallying until they grab power."
--Ya, they will never stop rallying until the fundamentally wrong people are corrected of their mistakes and made to pay for the fundamental crimes they committed against the Filipino people.
"It is their hypocrisy that bothers me. Before they were in congress, they were rallying against the pork barrel. Now that they benefit from the pork barrel, do you see single placard that says “abolish the pork barrel”? Nada."
--Without sounding apologetic to these groups, let me say that just because they are receiving "pork barrel" does not mean that they're not against it. If they had their way, I think they still would scrap it. You must remember that they are a minority in Congress. But since it is there, they might as well put it to good use which I hope they should.
"Such hypocrites!!!! Civil society is using the left and the left is using civil society. That bothers me big time!"
--It is a matter of personal perception. You are free to regard it that way.
--What is more hypocritical to me are the claims of some that they speak for a certain group or sector of society. The purported letter is one of them.
"When you embark on a political campaign, you need to strategize and you will need to differentiate the middle class from the masses. They behave differently on the same political, economic and social conditions."
--Can you exactly define for me what composes the middle class? I've been having a hard time looking for a precise, correct description. And what exactly distinguishes the so-called middle class from the masses in general? This is the problem with us Filipinos because we always try to dissociate ourselves with the rest instead of finding a common ground. It's the masses who should lead - and that includes the middle class.
--This is not just a political campaign to grab power. Yeah, you're suggestion is well-taken that anti-Arroyo forces should strategize to increase the chances of success. But beyond that, I tell you, this is a fight to restore the basic moral foundations which have collapsed due to the the calloused determination of Mrs. Arroyo to stay in power.
To the bystander:
“--Ya, they will never stop rallying until the fundamentally wrong people are corrected of their mistakes and made to pay for the fundamental crimes they committed against the Filipino people. “
Does that mean that the leftists are fundamentally correct people?
”--Without sounding apologetic to these groups, let me say that just because they are receiving "pork barrel" does not mean that they're not against it. If they had their way, I think they still would scrap it. You must remember that they are a minority in Congress. But since it is there, they might as well put it to good use which I hope they should.”
Let’s get real here. If they are truly principled people, they will not accept the pork barrel even if its handed over to them since they fought against it when they were still outside the halls of congress. Being in the minority is not an excuse. They have the prerogative not to take the pork barrel if they are truly principled individuals.
”--Can you exactly define for me what composes the middle class? I've been having a hard time looking for a precise, correct description. And what exactly distinguishes the so-called middle class from the masses in general? This is the problem with us Filipinos because we always try to dissociate ourselves with the rest instead of finding a common ground. It's the masses who should lead - and that includes the middle class.”
Let my try to be very simplistic here. The masses voted for FPJ and the middle class voted for Roco/Villanueva. The masses read Remate while the middle class read the Inquirer. The masses watch Starstruck while the middle class watch American Idol. Of course this is not absolute. Just to simplify the point that the masses and the middle class have different tastes, wants, desires, expectations, etc. It is not about dissociating one from the other.
I have good news for you. There is a common ground for the masses and the middle class. That is a better Philippines and a country that we can all be proud of. Unfortunately, we can agree on how to get there.
“But beyond that, I tell you, this is a fight to restore the basic moral foundations which have collapsed due to the the calloused determination of Mrs. Arroyo to stay in power.”
What is your guarantee that after we kick GMA out of malacanang, the basic moral foundations will be restored? Renato Constantino hit it on the nail when he wrote, “ Many critics are writing valid criticisms of important aspects of government and society, but because these are only personal reactions to specific problems and are not based on a well thought out philosophy or ideology, they cannot give our people a systematic, over-all view of what is wrong with our society.”
I lifted the following from this blog which I believe is yours. I have made my own reactions to Constantino’s essay in my blog.
1. "Does that mean that the leftists are fundamentally correct people?"
--First, what do you really mean by the word "Left"? Because for me the term merely denotes one's location in the political field. Suffice it to say that while communists (CPP-NPA that advocate armed struggle) are necessarily called leftists, not all leftists are communists. And for me the word "Left" has a broader definition.
Second, we must discard that long held misconception that leftists are only out to sow destruction and grab power. Just like you and me, they also play a big role in our society -- especially in a society that delights in traditional and transactional politics. This is not to discredit the so-called middle class late bloomers in 1983-1986, but we must not also forget the fact that these leftists were the very first to oppose and fight the dictatorship via the parliament in the streets and the famous protracted guerilla warfare. They provided fuel to the anti-Marcos resistance during the martial law period. If I remember right, the so-called middle class initially welcomed the onset of martial law.
I'm afraid it is again happening now.
2. "Let’s get real here. If they are truly principled people, they will not accept the pork barrel even if its handed over to them since they fought against it when they were still outside the halls of congress. Being in the minority is not an excuse. They have the prerogative not to take the pork barrel if they are truly principled individuals."
--You have a valid argument there. But again, I am in no position to speak for them, much less defend them. I do not know the internal workings of those groups for the simple reason that I am not a part of them. I was merely trying to put some sense as to why they decided to receive their version of the pork barrel. The bottom line, I guess, is to put it to good use -- for projects that benefit the sectors they represent.
What is more appalling is the way some of these morally bankrupt congressmen use their pork barrel to fatten their asses and enrich themselves and their families.
3. "Let my try to be very simplistic here. The masses voted for FPJ and the middle class voted for Roco/Villanueva. The masses read Remate while the middle class read the Inquirer. The masses watch Starstruck while the middle class watch American Idol. Of course this is not absolute. Just to simplify the point that the masses and the middle class have different tastes, wants, desires, expectations, etc. It is not about dissociating one from the other."
--See what I mean? We cannot really make an exact definition of what really composes the middle class. The definition you gave smacks of stereotyping which is not really the case.
4. "What is your guarantee that after we kick GMA out of malacanang, the basic moral foundations will be restored?"
--I will be very honest with you that I cannot guarantee on that. I am no political soothsayer. But at least kicking GMA out will provide us with a fresh start. And that fresh start means a leader who has a fresh, clear and unquestionable mandate from the people.
I will throw back the question to you: "What is your guarantee that if we let GMA be, she will have enough moral ascendancy to restore the credibility of institutions she has bastardized?"
--As to Renato Constantino, amen to that. I have no objections.
--First, what do you really mean by the word "Left"? Because for me the term merely denotes one's location in the political field. Suffice it to say that while communists (CPP-NPA that advocate armed struggle) are necessarily called leftists, not all leftists are communists. And for me the word "Left" has a broader definition.
When I talk about the "Left" in our discussion, I refer to the Left who have gained seats in Congress. For the record, I appreciate their participation in the election. It implies change can be achieved through the ballot box. But I abhor them for not giving up their pork barrel. These groups would include BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS, GABRIELA, AKBAYAN, SANLAKAS, PARTIDO NG MASA.
The "Left" in the real sense is quite broad. There is the underground left which includes the CPP/NPA/NDF of JOMA. There is also the Alex Boncayao Brigade which split from the main party and the Revolutionary Proletarian Army. I believe there are other armed groups who are essentially leftist in their ideology but not controlled by CPP.
Then there is also the above ground left which will include the partylist and Norberto Gonzales' party Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista ng Pilipinas. There are many other groups out there who we may classify as left. How to identify a leftist?
The moment you hear slogan such as Ibagsak ang Imperyalista!, those are leftists. Their struggle is about ideology. A different political and economic system. Their belief is that they have to gain political power to change the economic set up. So when they say Patalsikin si Gloria, it also means Kami ang papalit!
Second, we must discard that long held misconception that leftists are only out to sow destruction and grab power.
It is not a misconception, it is a reality. Why are they split? Because they cannot agree on tactics and strategy. They essentially have the same ideology but they simply don't trust each other. This I guarantee. Whoever sits in Malacanang who is not one of them, they will keep on marching in the streets.
we must not also forget the fact that these leftists were the very first to oppose and fight the dictatorship via the parliament in the streets
I will give them credit for that. But they blundered big time when they boycotted the 1986 snap election. It isolated them.
the famous protracted guerilla warfare.
infamous would be the better term. They have been conducting their guerilla warfare since 1969 which I believe is the longest running communist movement not even capable of gaining a strategic stalemate.
If I remember right, the so-called middle class initially welcomed the onset of martial law.
I'm afraid it is again happening now.
I don't think so. Back then, there is no such thing as a civil society. Civil society essentially represents the middle class. Its just that civil society is split or isolated from the unorganized middle class.
I do not know the internal workings of those groups for the simple reason that I am not a part of them.
Been there.
What is more appalling is the way some of these morally bankrupt congressmen use their pork barrel to fatten their asses and enrich themselves and their families.
Yet we are not marching in the streets to condemn them. Our shouts end with Gloria. Isn't that a selective morality?
See what I mean? We cannot really make an exact definition of what really composes the middle class. The definition you gave smacks of stereotyping which is not really the case.
I used the word simplified. We can go on forever defining the masses and the middle class if we don't simplify it. Marketing experts strategize their marketing efforts by identifying their target markets be it A, B, C, D or E. They do so because the groups differ in desire, purchasing capacity, geographical location, etc. This is not about stereotyping. Just being practical.
at least kicking GMA out will provide us with a fresh start.
We had a fresh start with Marcos. We had a fresh start with Erap. Now you are telling me will have a fresh start once we oust GMA? Then we oust again another leader and have another fresh start. So we will continue on starting of square one? When will we even reach square two?
fresh start means a leader who has a fresh, clear and unquestionable mandate from the people.
Just like the fish, something fresh will not always stay fresh unless you freeze it. No leader would want to stay in the freezer. Somewhere along the way they'll get rotten unless we change first as a people in order to prevent having rotten leaders.
"What is your guarantee that if we let GMA be, she will have enough moral ascendancy to restore the credibility of institutions she has bastardized?"
Is this an admission that after we kick GMA out, there is no guarantee that basic moral foundations will be restored?
The fact the GMA has lost the trust of the majority of the people, she has lost the moral ascendancy to lead. I believe she cheated in the last election. Her actions, appoinments and decisions are all based on her political survival. Political patronage and opportunism is the order of the day which is truly deplorable and disgusting. GMA will do anything just to stay in power. But not marching in the street does not mean that I condone these acts. I would rather take steps in the direction that these acts won't be repeated again. Otherwise, we wil continue to live in ghost of our past.
As to Renato Constantino, amen to that. I have no objections.
If you have no objection with Constantino's statement, then what is that well thought out philosophy or ideology behind this move to oust GMA? What is systematically wrong with our society? The responses go way, way beyond GMA cheating.
I must say, Helga, you picked one of my favorite spots on earth...mainly because most Filipinos ignore it or treat it like a cemetery when they are near it. They don't dare litter the grounds or hang around there for very long, unless they are the Silent Guard, bcoz they know that the guy that's interred there was serious about his martyrdom. For most, what happened at Bagumbayan frees them of having to do it themselves. Please do not forget this when you do things on that hallowed ground, it is because you really mean it. Otherwise it might demean what once was given there.
Hello Rizalist! We certainly meant no disrespect at all, the Rizal Monument IS hallowed ground, and precisely why we chose it. It was gratifying to see the students that joined us stop to take it all in, realizing the history and import of the place. Truly, there should be no freer place in this country than the spot underneath Gat Jose Rizal's shadow.
Dear Pinoy--
How to define the Left, Center and Right of the political spectrum?
One that I have found to be applicable to most of the English-speaking democracies is as follows:
People on the Left generally believe that the Public Sector -- the State and the agencies of Government -- leads in and is mainly responsible for the task of national development.
People on the Right generally believe that the Private Sector -- the individual citizens, families, corporations and civil societies -- are the main engines of growth and national development.
Thus, GMA, the CPP-NPA, Norberto Gonzalez and the social-democrats, as well as most of pork-loving trapodom qualify as Big Government Leftists. Because all emphasize a Strong State with government firmly in command of economy, politics, culture, education etc. They differ perhaps in their opinion of themselves and their ability to deliver the goods based on better intentions, better ideologies, better class analyses, better organization, what not. But Leftists general believe in the power of the State as Leviathan.
I shall let you describe the Right under this regime of distinction. I think however that mine is a practical definition, rather than an "ideologically-based" one. What do you think?
To Rizalist:
I am not a political scientist who can redefine the concept of left, center and right. Surprisingly, you missed out the center in your definition or should I take it that center is non existent?
In my opinion it is both the public sector and the private sector who are drivers of growth. It is not one or the other. They cannot be separted.
National development is not at the mercy of just one group, be it the public or private sector. The public sector spends that fuels growth. The public sector regulates, issues guidelines, collect taxes, execute laws that all contribute to growth. The private sector invests to create employment, increase productivity, offer services, which all contribute to national development.
Us, the citizens contribute too to national development. Our OFWs are the ones keeping our economy afloat. Our consumption and spending fuels growth. Each and everyone of us contributes to national development.
Left, center and right are labels we use to distinguish one political ideology from another.
To Pinoy,
You said:
1. "But I abhor them for not giving up their pork barrel. These groups would include BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS, GABRIELA, AKBAYAN, SANLAKAS, PARTIDO NG MASA."
--As to the issue of the pork barrel, my answer would be the same. I am in no position to represent them. So my answer does not reflect whatever may be their real reasons for not giving up their pork barrel. I cannot put words into their mouths. As I said, the bottomline probably boils down on strategy and choice: if they decide to receive it, they better put it to good use otherwise they are no different from their traditional colleagues in the House; if they give it up, then it would be much better so as to erase any doubts of corruption or to the possibility of fund diversions.
2. "Then there is also the above ground left which will include the partylist and Norberto Gonzales' party Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista ng Pilipinas."
--Now, this is the leftist group that borders on inconsistency, if not outright absurdity. This is the only leftist group that claims to be one yet embraces the poltical bankruptcy of the present administration. This is a classic example of a leftist-centrist conspiracy going to nowhere -- the Government using the Left and vice versa with one sole purpose: to persecute other leftist groups through extra-judicial killings of leftist leaders. Of course, this is a matter that still has to be proven, legally speaking. But the political reality will bear me out.
Please also include them in your condemnation. I bet they are also using state funds to get back at their political enemies.
3. "There are many other groups out there who we may classify as left. How to identify a leftist? The moment you hear slogan such as Ibagsak ang Imperyalista!, those are leftists. Their struggle is about ideology. A different political and economic system. Their belief is that they have to gain political power to change the economic set up. So when they say Patalsikin si Gloria, it also means Kami ang papalit!"
--And that already makes them fundamentally wrong? Are they not following Renato Constantino's advice that dissent must be based on a well-thought out ideology or philosophy, that the problems of the country go way beyond GMA?
Well, you can always dispute that their ideology is not well-thought out, but again, this is a matter of perception. What may be bankrupt to you may not appear bankrupt to me and so on and so forth.
Besides, as you yourself admitted, you have already been there, done that. Therefore, I am not the best person to discuss it with you. My limited understanding is all the more limited to what I see in the news, on the ground. Better seek an audience with them at the Batasan and there you can debate with them all day.
4. "It is not a misconception, it is a reality."
--Again, this is a matter of personal perception. Let history be the judge.
5. "Why are they split? Because they cannot agree on tactics and strategy. They essentially have the same ideology but they simply don't trust each other."
--I see nothing wrong with that. The realm of politics is not a fixed, rigid concept. It is constantly evolving, trying to find the best solution for a country dominated by traditional and transactional politics.
6. "This I guarantee. Whoever sits in Malacanang who is not one of them, they will keep on marching in the streets."
--And what's wrong with that? We live in a democracy. As Gandhi said, "democracy is not a state in which people act like sheep". It is well within their rights to march in the streets or aspire to one day lead this nation. The Constitution does not discriminate. It does not say that only traditional and rotten politicians or only the PDSP can aspire to become national leaders.
If they want to change the political and economic system, then so be it. It's for the people as a whole to reject them outright or accept them with open arms.
7. "But they blundered big time when they boycotted the 1986 snap election. It isolated them."
--You need not look back. Gloria is now isolating them. Persecuting them.
8. "infamous would be the better term. They have been conducting their guerilla warfare since 1969 which I believe is the longest running communist movement not even capable of gaining a strategic stalemate."
--Again, being famous or not is a matter of personal perception. Being successful and being famous are two distinct concepts. Erap was famous but he did not succeed. He's now in jail.
9. "Yet we are not marching in the streets to condemn them. Our shouts end with Gloria. Isn't that a selective morality?
--How can you say that? It's quite an unfair statement to begin with. The Civil Society for one has been fighting for good governance since time immemorial -- and that includes all government officials, not only Gloria. Are they not condemning the administration Congressmen for taking Gloria's side not out of principle but out of convenience?
10. "I used the word simplified. We can go on forever defining the masses and the middle class if we don't simplify it."
--The loophole in your simplificaton basically smacks of stereotyping. That's where the problem lies. Before we even attempt at distinguishing the goose from the gander, we must have a clear cut definition of what the terms really mean.
11. "Marketing experts strategize their marketing efforts by identifying their target markets be it A, B, C, D or E. They do so because the groups differ in desire, purchasing capacity, geographical location, etc. This is not about stereotyping. Just being practical."
--I understand what you mean but fighting for a cause cannot simply be equated as some kind of a marketing strategy. It's more than that. What is important is you explain your cause in such a way that it can be understood even by the illiterate and uneducated. This is actually what I would want BnW to do, if given the chance. They must not, consciously or unconsciously, isolate themselves from the broad masses. The public perception now is that BnW is limited only to the so-called anti-GMA elite, although I know that it is not what BnW stands for or wants to do. Educate. Arouse. Mobilize.
12. "We had a fresh start with Marcos. We had a fresh start with Erap. Now you are telling me will have a fresh start once we oust GMA?"
--As I said, I am no political soothsayer. I cannot guarantee a better Philippines once GMA is ousted. That was why I said forcing GMA to resign will give us a fresh start, a leader with a clear mandate. Fresh start also means fresh hope, because we're in a hopeless situation right now notwithstanding the alleged economic gains that Malacanang has been branding about. Yeah, we cannot eat principles. They do not bring food to our tables. But is that the only reason for our existence? As Abraham Lincoln said, "no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent". That to me is more important.
13. "Then we oust again another leader and have another fresh start. So we will continue on starting of square one? When will we even reach square two?"
--If that should be the case, then so be it. What we see now is a government that relies on guns and gold for political survival. Do you think we will ever reach square two under the present dispensation? This is the inherent relationship between the people and the state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them.
As Abraham Lincoln used to say, "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it."
14. You have not answered my previous question. Again, what is your guarantee that if we let GMA be, she will have enough moral ascendancy to restore the credibility of institutions she has bastardized?
I tried to look for a categorical answer to my question but you just acknowledged that GMA has lost the moral authority to govern, which , in a way, also serves the answer to my question.
15. "If you have no objection with Constantino's statement, then what is that well thought out philosophy or ideology behind this move to oust GMA? What is systematically wrong with our society? The responses go way, way beyond GMA cheating."
--I ackowledge that GMA is only a symptom of the problem, that it is high time we take a look at the system and introduce political, social and economic reforms. But just because the problem lies in the system itself does not mean we should no longer defy against the excesses of our present leaders. In fact, we should do so. For how can we introduce vital political and economic reforms if we will not protest against the whims and caprices of those in power? By the way, I am not speaking for the anti-Arroyo forces. I am speaking based on my own perception of things. I hope we are clear on that.
--As to the issue of the pork barrel, my answer would be the same. I am in no position to represent them.
I have no problem with that. Just expressing my disgust. The same disgust I felt when I realized that the Batanes representative is Butch Abad’s wife. Isn’t that disgusting. I had so much respect for Butch then. But when he let his wife run, all that respect disappeared in thin air. He is just one of them.
This is the only leftist group that claims to be one yet embraces the poltical bankruptcy of the present administration.
Outside Norberto Gonzales, I don’ know much about this group.
Please also include them in your condemnation.
The killing of leftist organizers, leaders and unarmed civilians are condemnable acts. They say it is perpetrated by the military. But with the kind of justice system that we have I doubt it if justice will be accorded the family of these victims. Kicking Gloria out now will not guarantee justice will be served.
--And that already makes them fundamentally wrong?
NO. What I am saying is, these groups will use you to advance their bigger agenda and you also use them to advance your agenda. The left does have a well thought out idealogy . Unfortunately, times has changed. In a globalized economy, their ideology is already out of touch with reality.
The realm of politics is not a fixed, rigid concept. It is constantly evolving, trying to find the best solution for a country dominated by traditional and transactional politics.
Their split is a reflection of our political realities.
--And what's wrong with that?
Nothing. I am just stating that these leftists will not stop until they grab political power.
--You need not look back. Gloria is now isolating them. Persecuting them.
I don’t think they are isolated now. The Batasan 5 have instantly become news material just like the arrest of Dinky and Enteng.
The Civil Society for one has been fighting for good governance since time immemorial -- and that includes all government officials, not only Gloria. Are they not condemning the administration Congressmen for taking Gloria's side not out of principle but out of convenience?
I really have no problem with Civil Society. I believe that they are sincere in their desire to help our country move forward. That all they want is good governance and accountability. My only problem is their call to oust Gloria now without presenting an acceptable alternative. The middle forces led the two EDSAs and yet nothing happened. If we are going to launch another EDSA now, we won’t be solving the root cause of our problems. The efforts of the BnW is misdirected. Your Friday protests are all a circus. There must be a better way.
forcing GMA to resign will give us a fresh start, a leader with a clear mandate. Fresh start also means fresh hope,
Leader with a clear mandate? You are giving people false hopes since there is not clear cut way on how you intend to get there.
because we're in a hopeless situation right now
NO, it is not hopeless. It’s just that your enemy is cunning so you have to outwit her. Your moves are too predictable and calculated. Even before you reach Ortigas, battalions of police at already at the EDSA shrine. Your Friday protest is something new so she overreacted by arresting Dinky and Enteng. But did they touch you last Friday? NO! They’ve learned their lesson. They won’t give you free publicity and public sympathy. Think outside the box. The Black Friday is a good start. Be more creative. Be more innovative. Calls must go beyond ousting GMA. Use this stage of our history to educate our people. There must be a call for renewal on our people. That they reject trapos. That above all, it is our country that should come first. Not the mayor, the governor or the president. Politics has become too personality oriented. We need to raise our people’s hope, self esteem and sense of nationalism. You cannot do that by ousting Gloria. You will just be inviting greater division among us.
Our problem is not Gloria. It is our sense of nationalism and our division as a people. I have no doubt on the sense of nationalism of Civil Society. What I am saying is that civil society should infect, affect, share, impart this sense of nationalism to others. Civil society must bridge the gap of divisions instead being part of it. Nationalism is not just about ousting a corrupt leader. It is about going beyond personalities. It is about social transformation and renewal. Look at our neighbors. Their sense of nationalism and pride as a people is admirable. Raise our spirit as a people, let the people feel that they are in control and not the politicians, then expel GMA. I guarantee you, we will never revert back to the old rotten system. Educate our people. Raise their morale. Have a higher sense of nationalism. Kick Gloria out not simply because she cheated but because we love our country more.
To Pinoy,
You said:
1. "...The same disgust I felt when I realized that the Batanes representative is Butch Abad’s wife. Isn’t that disgusting. I had so much respect for Butch then. But when he let his wife run, all that respect disappeared in thin air. He is just one of them."
--I get your point. Political "dynasties" must somehow end. This practice is only a reflection of traditional and patronage politics. But it is not a political dynasty in the real sense of the term because Butch Abad's wife submitted herself to the will of the electorate. The more important thing to consider is, did the victory of Butch Abad's wife truly reflect the will of the electorate in that district? If so, I see no problem with that.
I hope the same disgust that you have for Butch Abad's wife is the same disgust you have for Goria Arroyo for desecrating the sanctity of the ballot. To me that is more disgusting.
2. "Outside Norberto Gonzales, I don’ know much about this group."
--You don't have to defend the PDSP. The thing speaks for itself. It is just ironic that while the Jesuit priest, Fr. Romeo Intengan, is so obssessed at persecuting ideological rivals, he is not revolted by the rampant corruption of his protegee's boss.
--Since you know NSA Gonzales, can you ask him who funded the Venable Contract? Were the funds sourced from private persons or sourced from the pork barrel of the President?
3. "Kicking Gloria out now will not guarantee justice will be served."
--I say otherwise: Gloria's continued stay will all the more guarantee that justice will not be served. She has prostituted the generals so well that she has even promoted those accused of masterminding the extra-judicial killings.
4. "What I am saying is, these groups will use you to advance their bigger agenda and you also use them to advance your agenda. The left does have a well thought out idealogy . Unfortunately, times has changed. In a globalized economy, their ideology is already out of touch with reality."
--Same thing. Matter of perception.
5. "I don’t think they are isolated now. The Batasan 5 have instantly become news material just like the arrest of Dinky and Enteng."
--On the contrary, it is because of the persecution being perpetrated by this desperate administration that they get free publicity.
6. "My only problem is their call to oust Gloria now without presenting an acceptable alternative."
--Alternative? I've been hearing that from Palace propagandists. We shouldn't be even talking of an "acceptable alternative" when it comes to Gloria. Under the quagmire of deceit and lies she has dug herself into, even a person as incompetent as Erap would have sufficed. Besides, you should not talk of "an acceptable alternative" when Gloria Arroyo was not conferred the privilege to be President in the first place.
Such a statement not only insults Vice-President Noli de Castro (who has chosen, by convenience, to lick Gloria's feet) but also the millions of Filipinos who might already be gnashing their teeth at the prospect of GMA staying until 2010.
7. "If we are going to launch another EDSA now, we won’t be solving the root cause of our problems. The efforts of the BnW is misdirected. Your Friday protests are all a circus. There must be a better way."
--First, I've already answered that question in my previous comments. Do I still have to repeat them?
--And what is that better way? Tell me. Can't you see it that GMA is determined to close all avenues of transparency and accountability? She has bastardized Congress. She has prostituted the CBCP. She has politicized the military. She has suppressed our right to peaceful assembly. And you still had the audacity to mock anti-GMA forces by calling their efforts a circus? I cannot accept that. We must exercise some intellectual honesty here, Pinoy. Otherwise, you can go on and on criticizing us for taking an anti-GMA stand.
8. "You are giving people false hopes since there is not clear cut way on how you intend to get there."
--You are giving people false hopes since you still cherish the idea that GMA is a cut above the rest. If you still haven't noticed, most anti-GMA forces want Arroyo and de Castro to step down to pave the way for special elections.
9. "NO, it is not hopeless. It’s just that your enemy is cunning so you have to outwit her."
--With all the resources that she has, plus the open, calloused way she divides and corrupts people and the blatant unconstitutional policies she has implemented, I am not surprised why she still enjoys the support of equally corrupt politicians. But I think it is just a matter of time, Pinoy. No dictator has lived forever.
10. "Our problem is not Gloria. It is our sense of nationalism and our division as a people... Kick Gloria out not simply because she cheated but because we love our country more."
--Your inconsistency is inherent in your position. While you acknowledge that GMA cheated (and therefore has no right to be President), you still have the guts to say that she is not the problem. I mean, what kind of position is that?
It is not our nationalism that is the problem. It is your kind of nationalism that needs a reality check. If you really love your country and really believe in what you say, will you allow someone who has cheated her way to power to continue bastardizing the democratic institutions we had fought so hard to restore?
To the bystander
The more important thing to consider is, did the victory of Butch Abad's wife truly reflect the will of the electorate in that district?
Butch is a third termer. There is a clause in our constitution that local officials from seeking a fourth consecutive term. That is to prevent dynasties. That is to give others a chance. To circumvent this clause, politicians let their spouse, children vie for the position they are leaving. The incumbent already has the undue advantage from machinery to name recall. He is no different from Binay who let his wife be mayor for one term. He is no different from Dilangalen whose wife in now their district's representative. If you say that the result is a reflection of the true will of the people, that is everybody's excuse. Power intoxitcates the same way how GMA is now intoxicated in her position.
I hope the same disgust that you have for Butch Abad's wife is the same disgust you have for Goria Arroyo for desecrating the sanctity of the ballot.
They are both disgusting.
--You don't have to defend the PDSP.
I don't know how you got that idea. Simply because I don't feel the same way that you do towards this group means I am defending them???? Hello!!!!
--Since you know NSA Gonzales, can you ask him who funded the Venable Contract?
I know Gonzales from the news, not personally.
Gloria's continued stay will all the more guarantee that justice will not be served.
GMA will not be president for life. Her presidency will come to an end, if not sooner, later. Your group is saying, oust her now. What I am saying is "not yet". We have to lay first the groundwork to guarantee that once we oust her, we won't be going to square one. You are too eager to oust Gloria. In your eagerness, you isolate yourselves from other people. People like me who are sincerely sympathetic to your cause. Unfortunately, you see it differently. You see us as adversaries. But we are not.
--Alternative? I've been hearing that from Palace propagandists.
Of course. They will use anything that they see is to their advantage.
We shouldn't be even talking of an "acceptable alternative" when it comes to Gloria.
An "acceptble altenative" is not necessarily a person. It is about laying the groundwork that we won't be doing this again once we oust Gloria. I couldn't care less if its Noli or JDV. It's not about moving on but moving forward.
Otherwise, you can go on and on criticizing us for taking an anti-GMA stand.
It is not your anti GMA stance that I am criticizing. It is your now na stance.
Do I still have to repeat them?
Plese do. I am already at a lost as this comment page has become so huge already.
--And what is that better way? Tell me.
We will come to that.
And you still had the audacity to mock anti-GMA forces by calling their efforts a circus?
It does look like a circus. Forgive my frankness. I am just being honest here. Look at the photos on this blog. Its all smiles even the policemen. I am not saying that you should all frown or smirk on photo ops. What I am saying is re think your strategy.
Otherwise, you can go on and on criticizing us for taking an anti-GMA stand.
I just want to make it clear that we are on the same side. It is the now na! that I am criticizing.
--You are giving people false hopes since you still cherish the idea that GMA is a cut above the rest.
Did I say that GMA is cut above the rest???
most anti-GMA forces want Arroyo and de Castro to step down to pave the way for special elections.
They want it but can they have it? How will you pave the way for special elections? Gloria will do everything in her power to thwart any attempt to oust her.
But I think it is just a matter of time, Pinoy. No dictator has lived forever.
As I said previously, GMA is cunning. She will do everything in her power and use all available resources to perpetuate her rule. She has Congress and the military. Can you match that? All you have all black shirts and smiles. Is that how you engage in a battle? This is a serious business. You cannot create a snow ball effect because people are asking for alternative. That is your challenge. How to translate the 65% of disgusted Filipinos into warm bodies. Your now na will not move these 65%. You are battling a Goliath here who has the machinery and the resources. And what do you do? You attack her head front. Yah, you get front page news but that's about it.
When Austero's letter came out, you attacked it. You considered him to be an enemy but he is not. By attacking him, how can you convince to your side those who agreed with his thoughts. It should have been a wake up call to re strategize. Simply because I, we, don't agree with your strategy does not mean we are advesaries.
--Your inconsistency is inherent in your position. While you acknowledge that GMA cheated (and therefore has no right to be President), you still have the guts to say that she is not the problem. I mean, what kind of position is that?
My position looks inconsistent because it does not conform to your position. There is a problem bigger than GMA. That's what I am saying.
will you allow someone who has cheated her way to power to continue bastardizing the democratic institutions we had fought so hard to restore?
But I am very realistic. I know that the enemy is formidable so I won't fight her head on. NOT YET. It won't even be announced to the world what the strategy is for it will give her the upper hand to thwart the plans. Just a suggestion on how you could strategize in bringing down a beast.
It's Bangkok's turn to have those rallies. We've been there. Done that. Unfortunately, we are so fixated with rallies/mobilizations. Fine. Do what you do but I guarantee you, it won't bring down the beast.
JuanDLC, et al:
If you will notice, only the owners and those they allow are able to post articles germane to the purpose of this blog. Since I am not one of either, I am aware that I must first limit my comments to the article at hand and then to any observation relative to the main purpose of this blog for further comments.
The invitation at the end of each article asks for "Comments". Now, a lot of submitted material is no longer just "Comments" but full-blown dissertations worthy of being published as an article in a proper blog forum. If that is the intention, then, one can either ask to be invited to write for the blog or open one's own blog - for free.
As I said, the header of this blog says it all. We heard the tapes. We read the transcripts. We believe that GMA cheated. By refusing to take a stand against the cheating, lying, and stealing taking place, Noli de Castro has staked his lot with GMA and therefore does not deserve the mantle of leadership. We, groups and individuals who are part of the Black & White Movement, advocate the RESIGNATION, IMPEACHMENT, or OUSTER of GMA and Noli de Castro.
May I therefore suggest for the submission of articles supporting or denouncing this statement so that those interested to air their views about the aims and purposes of this blog can also properly offer their comments by sticking with the topics? Helga, is this proposition acceptable?
To Pinoy:
I'll post an article in my blog to answer your last comment. It seems Manong Tet is suggesting that our discussion is no longer relevant/germane (daw) to the purpose of this blog. Pinalalayas na tayo.. hehe...
To Manong Tet:
1. In all blogs including this one, there is what we call "comment moderation". However, since the "comment moderation" option was not activated in BnW's blog, I took it to mean that we could post comments here as long as the same are not foul, abusive or clearly out of this world. And a "comment" is not necessarily a short one.
2. I posted a comment here in reaction to the purported letter of a certain middle class pinoy (daw) who accused your group as simply a bunch of politically disgruntled minority. I took exception to that because personally I feel Bnw is doing its share to educate the people about the truth behind GMA's lying, cheating and stealing. I took the time to defend your group from what I perceived as misconceptions and propaganda by "a pro-GMA--masquerading as a neutral--middle class Pinoy". Is there anything more germane to that?
3. If Helga really intended it to be a purely "mutual admiration blog" or a purely anti-GMA sentiment atmosphere, she would have said so. Or better yet, she would have posted a "reminder" to us to limit our comments to a certain number of characters. In the absence of those limitations, you cannot fault us if our comments resulted in "full-blown dissertations", if I may to borrow your words.
4. Yeah, I have my own blog. Helga knows that. And it was not my intention to post articles here. I hate camouflaged publicity.
My apologies to Helga. I did not mean to unduly occupy democratic space in this blog. Next time, I'll simply inhibit myself from ever posting any comment in this blog again because I am not sure if I could frame my comments according to the "standards" set by Manong Tet.
Thank you just the same.
My curiosity got the better of me, and on a hunch that this "Paano naman kami" letter was similar to the Austero letter, I made a check with Google and saw that this is a well syndicated letter apparently created last March 1 and just dumped here as "Comments" without regard for the article being commented on.
Make your own conclusions about the information dredged up. The references are all shown at
Hello Tet, bystander, Pinoy, everybody - Y'all and any other person who wishes to post comments on this blog are welcome to do so. Short or kilometric is ok by me. My only request is that we don't make "bastos" each other or use expletives that may offend readers. Let's keep it lively but civil, ok? :-D
That's more like it, Helga.
Except for the contens in that purported letter, I think none of us used expletives. It was more of an impassioned discussion.
But thanks nonetheless for reminding us. We can always disagree without being disagreeable.
You follow somebody you don't like? Why, because there is no alternative or because you just want to be comfortable?
Why should our ideas of right or wrong depend on the alternatives at hand? Are we just to give up this country back to the hacienderos and be contented to be sacadas or modern day "saops", contented that we are able to live our lives comfortably from meal to meal?
Early in my life, I was able to have a glimpse of people who were "saops" in a hacienda. There is a very big difference between a "saop" and the current day employee, although a lot of employees have not gotten used to the idea of being a liberated "saop". But that is beside the point.
The reason I bring this up is because I am convinced that there is in our society a group of people who would want the majority of us to be "saops" forever. Most of them belong to what used to be families of the old aristocracy, but the more vicious ones are the liberated "saops" who feel that they finally belong to the "ruling class" - the neo-haciendero that has been gifted with his new turf or encomienda after having done great service to the throne, so to speak.
I have seen these people at close range to observe that their only allegiance is to themselves and to whatever it is that they stand for, such as a comfortable family life. To them, there is no such thing as the left or the right... there is only the center and that is they and their interests. Everyone and everything else can go hang.
They are impervious to existing laws as evidenced by the snarling contempt that they have for the institutions that dispense justice for all. There can only be justice for them when they use the same laws to get themselves out of a bind or when it furthers their own moves and interests. They have turned into opportunists because their allegiance is not based on democratic principles or ideas, but centered only on the personalities that come into power. And they are able to do all these because ALL OF US allows them to do it.
The "saop" never screams for justice, he is one that has accepted his status in life. Even if he harbors some deep-seated feelings about his rights, he would rather keep it to himself, or hide in anonymity when he wants to express it. It is only when a person believes that he has certain rights that have been violated that he screams for justice. Rights he feels are so important to him - as important as even life itself. This is my understanding of why you and I have come up with different responses to the times at hand. Our beliefs and values are different.
Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Martin Luther King Jr., 1963
Show me my stupidity.
"I may not like PGMA but i agree with her when she said that she is the best person to lead our country."
hell, anyone could do better. you, me, tet, whoever. only that one has to live up to the standards of ethics one expects of others.
given that, GMA can go hang. what on earth gives her the right to call herself the "best person to lead the country," bar spin control and self-aggrandizement?
"Your rallies give nothing but heavy traffic to our nation."
funny you should say that, when few people, even of the middle class, drive their own car.
i'm a middle-class person; hell, lower-middle class would be more accurate. whatever i am, that damnable letter does not speak for me.
a present: God sues GMA for libel.
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