Last Friday, February 24 – as the nation was preparing to celebrate the freedom we regained at EDSA two decades ago, Ms. Arroyo issued Proclamation 1017 declaring a state of emergency, in response to a military uprising.
In the hours and days that followed, it became evident how GMA intended to implement this presidential decree. We saw the excessive use of police power in dispersing the crowds. And even after the military threat was decisively contained, we saw the warrantless arrests of known opposition leaders, the closure of newspapers, and the barefaced intimidation of media owners and practitioners.
EO 1017 is eerily similar to PD 1081. And the pattern is unmistakably Marcosian. Crackdown on the reds – the public has no love lost for them, anyway. Control media. And prop up the illusion of a new order after the purging.
I’m glad that many, who have been sitting on the fence all this time, saw through the farce and finally came out to take a stand. I saw prominent businessmen, showbiz personalities, and working professionals go to the streets to defy the proclamation.
Sadly, however, there are those who remain unmoved. Worse, they even embrace the GMA propaganda that this is ultimately for the greater good.
I am reminded of 1972 where many in the middle class and the business community actually welcomed the “New Society” of Marcos. They lauded the arrests of known communists; they deserved it, many thought. They didn’t mind reading and watching government-censored news. They didn’t mind the imposition of curfews and the curtailment of some basic rights. All these were a small price to pay in the interest of stability and prosperity, or so they thought.
Until one day, the government began sequestering their businesses. Until one day, they began arresting someone close to home and they realized they had very little legal recourse to protect their rights.
It is time for the business community, the middle class, and all other sectors to make a stand.
Today, we launch the Black Friday Protest Movement to give you an opportunity to be counted with low risk and nominal involvement on your part. All you need to do is, every Friday, you and your friends can wear black, go to a designated place and hang around for about 30 minutes and leave.
How will you know the designated time and place?
Register by sending a blank email to BlackFridayProtest-subscribe
There will be no speeches or programs at the designated place. Just people in black hanging around for a few minutes to be counted. All these are within the bounds of the law, even a repressive one like PD 1017.
The Book of Ecclesiastes teaches us there is a season for everything. I believe this is the season for mourning… the death of democracy and the numbing of our national conscience.
It is time to reawaken. It is time to be counted. It is time to say, “tama na! sobra na!” Please register now by sending blank email to BlackFridayProtest-subscribe
By God’s grace, we may yet see a better Philippines for our children.
God bless,
The Black & White Movement
I have notified members of the former ConCom that I dissociate myself from all ConCom activities and will oppose charter change. For I am now fully convinced that Mrs. Arroyo seeks not only to retain her Presidency but to expand her powers through charter change. Article XX, the ConCom transitory provisions, clearly define the strong motivation for Mrs. Arroyo’s determined efforts to get chacha ratified.
Here enclosed are the texts of Secs. 7, 9, and 11 to 13 of Art. XX. Sec. 7, the NO-EL provision, assure that the interim Parliament (2007-2010) will be filled with tried and proven allies, ready to do Pres. GMA’s bidding. The other cited sections, not as widely known, are more disturbing.
In a normal parliamentary system, the head of Government is the Prime Minister. He is elected to that post by his peers, the members of Parliament. Members of the cabinet are MP’s elected by the people. The President’s duties are ceremonial – to open Parliament, dissolve it upon advice of the Prime Minister, greet new ambassadors, be the symbol of national unity as Head of State. Compare those normal parliament’s features with the provisions in Secs. 9, and 11-13.
In my interpellation to oppose these provisions in ConCom, I asked if these were not the same powers that Marcos gave himself. Spontaneous answer by sponsor of the provision Raul Lambino - YES.
Secs. 9 and 11-13 should by now have been opposed by Congress, for downgrading the interim Parliament.. But they have not. Developments leave me no doubt GMA herself is pushing these provisions. In a new body to promote chacha, the co-chairs - Attys. Romela Bengzon and Raul Lambino – were main sponsors in ConCom of these onerous sections. The appointment of Cong Puno to DILG, given his well known dagdag bawas and other election distorting skills, further confirms to us that GMA will leave no stone unturned for chacha and Article XX to be ratified by any means.
Vicente T. Paterno
21 February 2006
In Proposed Revision of the Constitution by Consultative Commission
SEC. 7. The elections scheduled in 2007 shall be cancelled and the terms of office of all elective officials shall be extended to
The first elections of Members of the Parliament and the first local elections under this Constitution shall be held on the second Monday of May 2010.
SEC. 9. The Members of the interim Parliament shall be the incumbent members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, at least one-third of the Cabinet, with portfolio, and thirty persons, experienced and experts in their respective fields, shall likewise become members of the Parliament upon appointment by the President.
S.EC. 11. The interim Parliament, by a majority vote of all its members, shall elect an interim Prime Minister. He shall be a member of the Cabinet.
SEC. 12. Under the direction and supervision of the incumbent President; the interim Prime Minister and the Cabinet shall exercise all the powers and functions and discharge the responsibilities of the regular Prime Minister and Cabinet under this Constitution.
SEC. 13. In the interim Parliament, the incumbent President shall exercise the powers vested in the Head of State and the head of Government under this Constitution, except the power to dissolve this Parliament, until the expiration of her term on
In case a vacancy arises by reason of removal, resignation, permanent incapacity or death of the incumbent President, the incumbent Vice-President shall become the President.
We would like to reprint the Makati Business Club's take on Charter Change. It is informative and gives us a look into how the corporate community is viewing the subject: MBC believes that a change in the form of government from Presidential to Parliamentary is a serious matter that must not be rushed into for the political convenience of a few. Thus, MBC advocates that a Constitutional Convention be convened to consider the matter from a long term perspective of what is in the best interest of the nation in an atmosphere of calm deliberation. A parliamentary system requires certain prerequisites such as a strong, disciplined, and principled political system which does not exist currently and which will take tine to develop. It must be noted that under a parliamentary system, the executive and legislative powers are fused in a parliament giving the Prime Minister more extensive powers than the President now enjoys under our Constitution. Moreover, the checks and balances present in the presidential form will be lost, concentrating too much power in the hands of transactional type politicians. There is no need to throw out the whole Constitution, when a few amendments will suffice. We recommend the following: (1) The President’s and Vice President’s term be limited to four years, with one re-election allowed as in the past. (2) The President and Vice President should come from the same party. (3) Revert to the two party system and pass measures that will penalize turncoatism. (4) If a multiparty system is maintained, then a run-off election for President and Vice President must be provided when none of the candidates achieve a clear majority. (5) The provisions or restrictions on economic activities should be removed from the Constitution and made a matter of law that Congress can amend, revise or repeal as the need arises to meet changing conditions and global competition. The issue of the integrity of the electoral results and the legitimacy of the President are separate from the question of Constitutional amendments and should thus be addressed accordingly. First, the search for the truth behind the “Hello Garci” tapes should be pursued relentlessly and resolved. The failure to resolve this and establish a new standard of ethics among political candidates and the COMELEC may result in a free-for-all, no-holds-barred unethical open line of communication between the COMELEC and candidates in future elections which may put all electoral results under an even bigger cloud of doubt. Second, the means by which to address the issue of the legitimacy of the President and the connection to the “Hello Garci” tapes are already established in the current Constitution. For instance, the genuine pursuit of an impeachment complaint filed by the proper parties and given due course in Congress is one such way of putting a closure to the issue. Third, there should be electoral reforms and sweeping change in the COMELEC accompanied by the immediate release of the Ombudsman’s findings in the case filed against the Comelec officials responsible for the failed automation of the electoral process. In the light of the Supreme Court’s decision declaring the aforesaid automation contract null and void and the recent call by the Senators for the incumbent Chairman and Commissioners, except Justice Brawner, to resign, we urge them to do so out of delicadeza. In closing, we take a very strong and unequivocal stand against the “no election” proposal originally submitted by the Consultative Commission. We are against the deferral or cancellation of any scheduled election. The move is immoral, undemocratic and unconstitutional and illustrates a frame of mind which would be disastrous in a parliamentary form of government.
Message to fellow Filipinos:
The welfare of the ordinary Filipino has long been neglected. The poor continue to suffer in poverty, struggling to eke out enough money to put food on the table for their families. They have looked to the government to address their situation, but they have been disappointed time and time again.
The elitist scoff at the cries of the poor, saying that the roots of their ills lie in their indolence, and that hard work is the solution to poverty. But, we ask, who can surpass the industry and perseverance of Filipino workers, farmers, fishermen and soldiers, who, if they could, would make the days longer if only to be able to work even more to put food on the table and keep their homes? Who, despite their unending toil, continue to live in abject misery and hardship?
Nay, we exclaim to the elitists: the reason behind our ills is the continuing greed and dishonesty of the bogus Macapagal-Arroyo administration, which will stop at nothing to remain in power. The real conditions of the country are reflected in the failure of government to perform its function of providing the mechanisms to enable its citizens to make a decent living. On the contrary, our leaders today only look after their own elite interests, demonstrated by the usurpation of the fertilizer fund for their electoral goals while our poor farmers continue to live in utter destitution.
The truth behind this issue is but one among many anomalies that the regime has committed and is covering up. We cannot continue to stay silent in the face of the suffering of the people and the neglect of a government that insults the dignity of the ordinary Filipino.
We cannot continue to tolerate the lies and deceit of the bogus Macapagal-Arroyo regime. It is time to clear the obstacles to truth.
Let us unite to let the truth come out and pave the way to the people's release from poverty. The government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is the embodiment of all that we struggle against.
The future of our nation depends on our collective will and pride as Filipinos. In the next several days, let us show and proclaim our displeasure at the sham regime. Let us demonstrate our disgust, not only by going to the streets in protest but also by wearing red bands on our left arms.
Let us show the establishment that we know the truth and will no longer put up with their treachery.
In this way, we will also be telling Gloria that her stepping down from power is the first step towards genuine change.
Captain Nathaniel Rabonza
First Lieutenant Lawrence
First Lieutenant Sonny Sarmiento
First Lieutenant Patricio Bumidang
The title of this post is actually meant for the statement that follows, but is appropriate as a reply to our good friend Ricky Carandang regarding his post "Dear Black & White". And we are grateful to another good friend, Edwin Lacierda, for coming to our defense.
Perception may be everything to some. It is no secret that our movement does not ascribe to the beliefs of the extreme Left, and none of our members supports the restoration of Mr. Estrada. The people who make up our membership are proudly from what is left of our middle class. We all work hard to keep a roof over our heads, put food on our tables, keep our children educated and clothed, pay our taxes, and are grateful for the grace and faith that comfort us.
We may not be politically savvy, we may be naive in some respect, but we have never claimed to be slick operators either. We are not innocent of the knowledge that some groups may have agenda other than ours, but what is wrong with trying to influence them with our own? You can't do that unless you reach out to them.
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't". In a perfect world it is easy to be purist. But early on in this struggle, we realized it would be difficult to avoid any inter-action with all other anti-Arroyo groups. There were initiatives that required mass action and we had to take our place in the crowd, case in point, "Bukluran Para sa Katotohanan". We may have stood side by side with folks whose beliefs differ from ours at the press conference Ricky spoke of, but that didn't mean we were selling out to anyone. We remain loyal to the stand we took months ago - that Mrs. Arroyo and Mr. de Castro should resign, be impeached, or ousted out of office to make way for the Senate President and Special Elections as spelled out in the Constitution. We continue the search for truth in regard to Gloriagate. We call for the resignation of the COMELEC Commissioners. But should persistent rumors of coup d'etat become reality because many of our people continue to be apathetic, we won't have much choice but to stand aside, will we?
We are anti-Arroyo but remain apart from the political opposition. We admire Alan Peter Cayetano, for instance, but like 12 Liberal Party Congressmen, we aren't about to join the opposition. We have been criticized for our association with Cory Aquino, the Hyatt 10, and our convenor groups, but we are proud of their friendship and alliance. Our views do not stray far from those of the CBCP.
In closing, we would like to share with you our version of the "unity" statement which we hoped would have been incorporated into the final version read by former Vice President Guingona at last Tuesday's press conference. You may notice that it takes a decidedly middle forces point of view:
A democracy is measured according to the manner it prevents the majority from becoming tyrannical, and protects the minority from being oppressed. Democracy is demonstrated by the government proving it is responsible in handling its powers. Instead of democracy, we have:
· A ruling coalition of Lakas-CMD and its allies that is trying to inflict the most short-sighted, selfish, political changes in our history. Not only does Lakas want Cha-Cha, it keeps insisting on No-El;
· An administration using the force of numbers to prevent genuine debate and productive hearings;
· A government of silencing critics. To enforce this policy, extreme interpretations of the law, and a ruthless application of questionable legal doctrines and interpretations, are used;
· A government that ignores public opinion, and has threatened unleashing the armed might of the state.
As a result, we have been bloodied. But we remain unbowed. In fact, instead of shrinking, our numbers have grown. The true, unquestionable, majority in this country are those opposed to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Her lying, stealing, cheating administration has used every means, fair or foul, to get her off the hook.
But Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was never off the hook. Even the CBCP Statement released on Sunday shows that no room is left to doubt that the guiding principle of Mrs. Arroyo is to stay in power by hook or by crook. And if she remains in power today, it is only because it takes time to make straight the crooked paths she has made. But time and justice are on our side.
A tyranny of the majority exists. It is a majority that exists only in Congress, made bold by the expectation that through no-El and Cha-Cha, no day of reckoning with the public will ever come.
A tyrant rules from Malacanang: One who refuses to be bound by the law or by democratic tradition; one who fears, instead of loves, our people. One who believes the problems of her own making can only be solved through bribery and intimidation.
The past few months have been a tale of these two tyrannies –that of Lakas and the strong-arm tactics of Mrs. Arroyo. The path they continue to take leads directly down the path of violence.
Every person in our country, in whatever line of work, civilian or military, wants the same thing: justice; the righting of wrongs; the means to air their grievances, and have them attended to. Most of all, everyone wants a government that is theirs, and not imposed on them; they want genuine sovereignty, not the creation of a slave state.
We have a social contract. It is the Constitution. Every Filipino must abide by it; every one of us must live according to its provisions. A nation divided between the majority who believe in the rule of law, and an administration that thinks the golden rule is that those who have the gold make the rules, cannot long endure.
This is our warning. This is our plea. This is our demand. Bring government back to the people. Restore the rule of law. Return our society to one based on Constitution, instead of where it is now: a government that ignores the people, hurts the people, and even blames the people, for interfering in its efforts to rob the country blind.
Yesterday, one of our convenor groups, Citizens for ConCon, launched a nationwide caravan with the aim of bringing the issues of charter change and No-El, among others, from "imperial Manila" to the rest of the country. Despite meager resources, the march had a successful beginning in Dipolog. Today, they marched through Davao. We salute our friends as they take on this challenge and eagerly await their arrival in Manila on 22 February. We hope you will be there with us to meet up with them and celebrate their journey at the People Power Monument. Please read on:
Statement of the Citizens’ Pilgrimage for Truth and Reforms
(Lakbay Mamamayan para sa Katotohanan at Reporma)
We, members of different mass organizations, non-government organizations, political parties, church groups, the academe and professionals condemn in the strongest possible terms the proposal for No Elections in 2007. We also denounce the speedy revision of the Constitution in five months through the Constituent Assembly (Con Ass) mode.
The Arroyo regime will certainly use all its power and resources to compel the Filipino people to recognize and allow self-serving proposals to the Constitution. It will buy the favor of the present elected officials, blinding them with the extension of their term for three years.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo taught us to cheat: “Hello Garci?” She taught us to lie and speak half-truths: “I am sorry.” She taught us to steal in order to win: “Joc Joc Bolante, come back and tell the truth!” She repressed the freedom to express and the people’s right to truth. “Calibrated Preemptive Response! EO 464!” She tried to buy the conscience of the elected officials: “Con Ass cum No El!” Lastly, she keeps refusing to resign despite the cloud of her presidency’s legitimacy and the massive calls for her to step down: “I will not resign.”
There is time to agree. But there is time to denounce. There is time to be silent. But there is time to make noise. There is time to sit and watch. But there is time to come together and march.
Together, we will knock and call on every Filipino to listen to their conscience. Will we continue to allow an illegitimate President to distort the truth and the values we learned in grade school? It’s time to make noise and shout: U CAN’T CON ASS! U CAN’T CON US ANYMORE!
We will not be fooled! We cannot sit still and watch an illegitimate president make a fool out of all of us! We will not allow your Con Ass!
Remember People Power!