Thursday, December 08, 2005


THE Black & White Movement pays tribute to all those who are relentless in their pursuit of the truth. In particular, the members of the House of Representatives, who have begun to eliminate the bodyguard of lies surrounding Virgilio Garcillano. Despite “Garci’s” peacock-like strutting into the House, his demeanor shows a man fearful of the truth.

But the truth cannot be hidden forever. And the effort to find it can be blocked, delayed, and hindered, but it will always prevail, so long as there are Filipinos who prefer the oftentimes harsh light of truthfulness to the sinister darkness of lies that breed more lies and crimes to cover up the lies.

Garci’s gamble, in league with his patrons and handlers, is that the public will prefer to be blind, mute, and deaf, regardless of what happens. Just in case, they are attempting to use every means, whether procedurally, in Congress, or by the shameless manipulation of the law, to help cover up their continuing crimes. On the verge of obtaining the truth, we must not let the truth escape our people’s grasp. We must remain alert and aware, to prevent the truth being thwarted yet again.

To our representatives in Congress, we ask: be impartial, be fair, and do not be a party to either rabid partisanship, which soils the truth, or be a hindrance to letting the truth come out. To our fellow citizens in the Civil Service, we say: the lies and deceitful conspiracies of the administration are unraveling. Many of you hold pieces of the puzzle; come forward and reveal what you know, so the whole picture can be completed.

Even as the House and Senate investigations expose the truth, we ask all our countrymen and women to stay alert. A government seeing its handiwork falling to pieces will be tempted to resort to its last means of staying in power: brute force. The Black & White Movement believes we must all be conscious of the kinds of terrorism and violence used by governments in the past, in order to provide excuses for the arrest of its opponents, and the spread of fear among the general population. We have seen bombings, strafings, and other violence engaged in by governments desperate to stay in power –and, indeed, extend their power despite constitutional obstacles.

Still, this is a time for renewed optimism and hope. Even as the truth struggles to be free, so are our people coming together to set aside partisan differences in the national interest. We welcome recent statements by prominent political personalities, recognizing that the solution to our nation’s political crisis lies in the resignation of the President and Vice-President. We recognize the statesmanship and principle represented by statements that recognize that our nation’s political paralysis can only end by asking the Senate President to assume the mantle of authority, preparatory to a genuinely free and honest national election, once the incumbent president and vice-president have resigned.

The way forward is opening up; our country is finding a new cause for unity; the work for reform, long delayed, has prospects of resuming very soon.

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