Friday, February 10, 2012

The discrepancies of the Chief Justice

For Immediate Release
The Black & White Movement
9 February 2012

Yesterday and today, the glaring discrepancies between what the Chief Justice declared under oath in his SALN, and what bank records subpoenaed by the Senate says, was revealed.

BPI account testimony for 2007 reported 5,069,711.18 as the balance. For 2007, in Renato Corona’s SALN, the cash position reported under oath was 2.5 million pesos.

For 2010, testimony on a BPI checking account showed a balance of 12,024,067.70. Yesterday, testimony on the PSBank account of Corona showed a balance of 19.7 million. And yet, the 2010 SALN of Corona said, under oath, his cash balance was 3.5 million pesos.

PSBank President Garcia in his testimony today already revealed the existence of dollar deposit accounts. The enormous discrepancies already revealed in peso accounts of Renato Corona, indicates all the more, the need to inquire into the dollar-denominated deposits of the Chief Justice.

The defense is veering towards the Jose Pidal spin: that there is money, but it is not the Chief Justice’s money. And where the documents would tend to disprove that bald-faced lie, the defense has set out to suppress the evidence.

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